
(SKYBAS) Stop Killing Your Brothers and Sisters

"Your Reason Is Not Good Enough And Never Will Be!"

It's a Community Effort

Each day we are faced with senseless deaths in Black America.  There are too many families grieving over their loved ones.  When will  Black people say enough is enough! When will you who are reading this say, “what can I do?”

  Our Why

We are tired of our loved ones being killed by our kind.

We are tired of gang affiliation and retaliation.
We are tired of broken homes and not having enough.
We are tired of giving and not receiving.
We are tired of tears and hardships.
We are tired of this generational curse hurting each other.
 We’re tired!

The Time is Now!

Parents are losing their children. Our sons and daughters are losing their parents. And we as Black people are losing the battle each day we don’t get up and fight for our families.  

It’s happening everywhere! But, according to the local Indianapolis News, the majority of homicides are our Black males, with those victims making up more than all other homicide demographics combined.

The victims are overwhelmingly victims of shootings, with more homicides in Indianapolis in 2021 having gunshots being the cause of death than all the rest combined.

Victims of homicides in 2021 ranged from 8 to 78 years old, with an average age of 30 and the most common age being 18.